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Pakistani Prime Minister Visits the US

The Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to the US took place on July 21-23, 2019 and the general public probably mainly remembered it due to the two passages the US President D. Trump said during his meeting with the distinguished foreign guest. One of them concerned Afghanistan, and the other one had to do with Kashmir. The latter has been an apple...

Vladimir Terehov

The US Hegemony and the Politics of Chaos

If there is a universal problem to be collectively dealt with, it is US hegemony. Manifesting itself in the form of “extreme unilateralism”, US hegemony certainly has caused more damage to the world than one can even imagine, ranging from…
Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Year Africa Turned Away from the West?

Russia’s moves in Africa have been widely debated by western think thanks and policymakers the last couple of years. The general consensus comes down to the sentiment that President Vladimir Putin's personal desire to return his country to great-power status is the reason for the new Russia-Africa detente. The narrative from...

Phil Butler