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USA in Battle over Central Asia

As far back as 1997, during his speech at Johns Hopkins University, the then U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott defined a number of principles that later on became widely known as the Talbott Doctrine. Without going into too much detail, the basic premise of it was as follows: “We have no business being in Central Asia, but we will not let anyone...

Vladimir Platov

America’s Secret “First Couple”

American and Israeli politics have one thing in common, money buys elections. They have many more things in common, simply put, “predictable corruption” and a “rigged process” as well. Of late something extremely strange happened. The “king makers” for both nations make up a short list. The Adelsons by far front of the list, the Koch Brothers, the war lobby...

Gordon Duff

The Simple Truth About the Yemen Catastrophe

Yemen, Saudi Arabia’s southern neighbor, is a human catastrophe that will go down in history as one of America’s biggest policy mistakes. This poor Middle East country is the perfect reflection of failing U.S. strategies that will only balloon as the years draw on. Here is a candid look at another proxy war to perpetuate a misshapen...

Phil Butler