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The United States of Investigations

Given that the second branch of the US government is the ‘legislative’ branch, it is no surprise that qualifications for joining that body give pride of place to a degree in law. And yet, it is unlikely that the framers’ — as those who wrote the Constitution are referred to — ever imagined the lengths to which representatives would go...

Deena Stryker

The West’s Present Misconduct Has a Long History

One of the persistent themes of western political leaders is that they support the notion of “the rule of law”. By this they generally mean the system of law as developed by western nations, and in the international context the formulation over the past 120 years or so of international law. By this of course, they mean “their law”. Any deviation from this by non-western...

James ONeill

The Closer to the New Year, the Greater the Commotion

As 2019 draws to a close, tensions start to rise on the Korean Peninsula, and it is expected that the period of de-escalation in the region won’t continue into 2020. During the whole month of November, North Korean representatives were urging the United States to change its approach, warning that “the window narrows.” The United States...

Konstantin Asmolov