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Bibi Puts His Immunity Card In Play

"As a just and healthy person is governed by knowledge and reason, a just society must be under the control of society’s most cultivated and best informed minds, its “lovers of wisdom.” ~ Plato The Lion of the Likud party is now fighting for his political life and his freedom. The battle begins in the Knesset between Netanyahu supporters and everyone else...

Jim Dean

Intensity and Stability: The Development of Russian-Vietnamese Relations

Vietnam is one of Russia’s oldest and most reliable partners in Asia. Friendly relations were established back in the years of the Indochina Wars of the 1950s-1970s. At that time, the Soviet Union helped Vietnamese Communists to first get rid of the French colonialists, then to defeat the Western-ruled South Vietnam...

Dmitry Bokarev

Iran – The EU-three Trigger Dispute Mechanism in Iran Nuclear Deal

Why, after so many assurances to the contrary, have the three European Iran’s Nuclear Deal Partner’s – Germany, France, the UK – decided to go after Iran, to follow the US dictate again? The short answer is because the cowards. They have zero backbone to stand up against the US hegemony, because they are...

Peter Koenig