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Do All Countries have the Right to Fight Terrorism?

With a gentleman I am always a gentleman and a half, and with a fraud I try to be a fraud and a half. ~ Otto von Bismarck The US hustle on who has been destabilizing the Mideast via terrorism has gone unchallenged far too long. We listened to the mantra of the Pentagon and Pompeo blaming it all on Iran with no evidence forthcoming...

Jim Dean

USA’s “Persian Golf”

Nowadays, hardly anyone would probably disagree with the statement that the Trump administration’s actions in the Middle East have been more than just careless. With its conduct and policies, Washington is in fact pushing away its key allies in the region, which we can clearly see by following U.S. strategy, first and foremost, in relation to Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Anti-American sentiments have been growing...

Valery Kulikov

Who Is the “Color Revolution” in Iraq Directed Against?

Since October of last year there have been ongoing mass demonstrations in Iraq, which have not yet subsided. As a result of clashes with law enforcement agencies, at least 600 protesters have died and over 16,000 have sustained injuries. Iraq’s President Barham Salih cited these statistics during his speech at the recently finished World Economic Forum...

Vladimir Platov