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Drifting Away from the US - a New Global Trend?

Recently, an ever increasing number of countries has started distancing itself from the United States. This process became particularly noticeable a couple of years ago when President Donald Trump announced a new policy that he dubbed America First. It's noteworthy that in the aftermath of the Cold War the US assumed a dominant role on the geopolitical...

Vladimir Odintsov

Where does Turkey stand in the Syrian Endgame?

Whereas the mainstream western and Arab media have been claiming a ‘serious rift’ between Russia and Turkey over the death of Turkish soldiers in a Syrian offensive in Idlib, this is far from the case. While there is no gainsaying that Russian and Syrian interests do not always converge fully and that there are some contentious areas, this then is also quite...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

India’s Non-Alignment

At the time the bipolar world order disappeared in 1991, successful economic reforms were introduced in India, which helped launch a serious discussion about the place and role of this nation in the world. A key to understanding India’s current politics lies in its features, such as independence in foreign affairs, non-alignment with any global political powers and the principle of freedom of action and choice...

Vladimir Platov