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Erdogan Attacks EU with Refugees as COVID-19 Hits Turkey

Erdogan’s Idlib war has morphed into a new one with the EU, which he can’t win. Is there a method to his madness? I ask because as soon as things calm down in one place, he picks a fight somewhere else. While he advanced into Idlib with a traditional military invasion force minus the aircover to back up his proxy terrorist forces...

Jim Dean

Is Afghan “Peace” Crumbling Already?

Whereas the US-Taliban ‘truce deal’ is historic in many ways, the fact that real peace in Afghanistan remains hostage to a lot more complex power dynamics than the US war has become sharply evident ever since the announcement of the deal. The Ghani administration has already rejected the part of the deal about the release of 5,000 Taliban prisoners...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Confusion and Vacillation in the West

The coronavirus epidemic and plummeting oil prices have yet again highlighted the fact that the West is in the midst of a systemic crisis, the effects of which can be seen in many different areas. A great deal of political analysists in the West are raising the alarm to warn people about the chaos that is unfolding in Western governing institutions. The United States...

Vladimir Mashin