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Peter Navarro: A Man Who Smear China without Knowing Much about It

For many years now, it has been obvious that in both North America and Europe, smearing and provoking China has become an extremely lucrative business, even career. There are entire ‘institutes’ and NGOs dedicated strictly to such activities, and there are individuals who are groomed to become anti-Chinese warriors. Peter...

Andre Vltchek

The Yemeni Tragedy Beyond the Pale of International Law

Egregious news has come from Yemen, already devastated by the civil war stoked by Riyadh. Information Minister Daifullah al-Shami of the Houthi-run government has said that the Royal Saudi Air Forces had been ordered to begin airdropping surgical masks infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus over Shiite areas. The Houthi official was commenting on reports...

Viktor Mikhin

Does the US Need Such a Military Complex, and does Europe Need NATO?

The role of armed forces has been the focus of a lot of literature, works of art and films in every nation. They often portray military personnel as patriots who genuinely love their compatriots and their homelands, and who serve their nations willingly and not because of benefits and privileges they receive. The Eternal Flame, impressive...

Vladimir Odintsov