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Drawing Battlelines: US Openly Targets China's OBOR

Judging by US foreign policy - China is a massive global threat - and by some accounts - the "top" threat. But a threat to what? AFP would report in its article, "Trump nominee to lead intel community sees China as top threat," that: President Donald Trump's pick to lead the US intelligence community said Tuesday that he would focus on China as the country's greatest...

Tony Cartalucci

Does Democracy Protect Against Fascism?

For two hundred years, the United States has stood as the poster-child of democracy, while expediting its enemies with energy to spare. But questions about the future are suddenly causing the Washington Beltway (politicians and the media to turn in circles, obsessed with getting rid of Trump and what he stands for, yet knowing that the Democratic candidate...

Deena Stryker

COVID the War Crime

As May 2020 comes to an end and Americans demand "freedom" from an ineffective lockdown policy that was enacted with no national testing regime to back it up, news in America is race riots, fake scandals and, as usual, everything but reporting the reality of America at war with the world, a war without reason or purpose, on the surface at least. Even if one were to accept the Pandemic of 2020 as naturally...

Gordon Duff