18.07.2024 Seth Ferris

They did it to themselves, not just President Emmanuel Macron, but the French establishment as a whole. To add injury to insult, especially in the wake of losing colonies in Africa (and their lucrative minerals), the ruling party proved its inability to keep close to the pulse of the French people and their aversion to war, and love of fiery protests. This was especially notable after the suggestion of sending troops to Ukraine, conflict in a “Metropolitan French” region of New Caledonia, other foreign entanglements and the need to keep focus on pressing domestic issues—starting with a failed immigration policy with a slew of political and economic repercussions.

18.07.2024 Simon Chege Ndiritu

As NATO celebrated its 75th anniversary in mid-July, all the speakers, including Joe Biden, Lloyd Austin (here), and Jens Stoltenberg (here) cunningly cast the alliance as a peaceful grouping that shields the freedom-loving, and democratic west from a violent world. Nothing can be further from the truth, as its members caused World War II and fanned WWI, (here) and have been responsible for many other wars and human suffering globally.

18.07.2024 Vladimir Terehov

Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s trip to New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia was an important element in the complex “game” unfolding in the Indo-Pacific region, involving all the world’s leading powers. It took place in the second half of June.

18.07.2024 Leonid Gladchenko

Experts from the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), have conducted an analysis of geopolitical, military and technological trends in global security, and prepared a final report, identifying the overall shape of the emerging world order and analyzing the dynamics of the processes under way in order to develop recommendations on the formation of “the most effective pathways for US engagement” in this new order.

17.07.2024 Ricardo Nuno Costa

On 16 July, Jürgen Elsässer (67) woke up startled at 6 a.m., opened the door of his house while still in his dressing gown, and in front of him were dozens of police officers, some with their faces covered, heavily armed, in a surreal image befitting any authoritarian state. However, it was in Brandenburg, on the outskirts of Berlin, in the Germany of the tragicomic Scholz government, aka the ‘Traffic Light’ coalition.

17.07.2024 Christopher Black

The bullets of an assassin shook the world on Saturday, July 13.  Dark forces are at play that want the war against Russia to continue, and they are willing to be ruthless, to murder even their own leaders if it means they can get their way, and if they can do that, what will they not do? We have entered a very dangerous time.

17.07.2024 Mikhail Gamandiy-Egorov

As it becomes increasingly clear that the Western establishment is no longer able to use its chaos it has created for its own advantage, discussions about possible peace talks are becoming also increasingly more active. It is also perfectly clear that the Western planetary minority today has no possibility of being able to dictate any of its pseudo-formulas and theses. This is without forgetting the fact that any potential negotiation will have to take place with the decisive participation of the main non-Western world powers and representatives of the global majority.

17.07.2024 Vanessa Sevidova

During their first joint summit held in Niamey, the capital of Niger, on Saturday, the military leaders of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger signed a treaty according to which the trio became a confederation. This comes just a few months after their departure from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in January.

16.07.2024 Henry Kamens

It seems like Mamuka Mamulashvili, the so-called head of the Georgian Legion*, is claiming that someone has tried to poison him, again, with sad pictures of him recovering from his hospital bed. Here we go again, the Georgian Legion* mercenary leader in Ukraine has allegedly been poisoned three times, according to him.

16.07.2024 Alexandr Svaranc

The deepening Middle Eastern crisis and new conflicts may lead to a transformation of the political map of the region. Will Palestine become a new state? And if so, what about Kurdistan?

16.07.2024 Viktor Mikhin

The White House is widely seen as being caught between a rock and a hard place, as it continues to attract harsh and widespread criticism internationally, from the domestic public, and from the powerful Israeli lobby in the US for its unjust unilateral indulgence of Israel in its bloodbath against the Palestinians of Gaza…

16.07.2024 Mohamed Lamine KABA

For several years now, something more important has been happening on the political scene in the West African region. It is the breakdown of dehumanizing colonial agreements and the rise of disapproval of French imperialism in the region, at the forefront, the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). As an expert in the geopolitics of governance and regional integration, it is important for us to take a close look at the resolution of the most anticipated first-ever summit of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), held on July 6, 2024, in Niamey, Niger.