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US Withdrawal from Afghanistan and its Consequences for India

It is widely acknowledged that from a geopolitical point of view, India is caught between a rock and a hard place. It shares its land borders with China, its most powerful competitor in Asia, as well as Pakistan, and although Pakistan may not be as powerful as China, it is a country with which India has an extremely complex relationship...

Dmitry Bokarev

China - Great Britain: the End of the “Golden Era”?

The title of this article, to a certain extent answering its own question, reflects the author’s understanding of the current state of Sino-British relations which have been the focus of increased press coverage in both countries since the beginning of this year. In particular, the Chinese newspaper Global Times recently posed a similar (admittedly milder version of this...

Vladimir Terehov

Trump’s Secret War Plan for the South China Sea

Talk of war with war between the US and China is the only real news, but is it? With the planet paralyzed from COVID 19, military operations are largely curtailed. COVID 19 has secretly swept through America’s military, particularly the US Navy, crippling its capability. Trump is planning a war with China to save his regime from disgrace and himself from prison...

Gordon Duff