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The Libyan Conflict Takes an Alarming Pause

Despite the fact that there are no messages that would cause any alarm from Libyan media outlets in recent days, the situation in this country is still far from normal, but rather has only taken a temporary (and alarming pause. According to reports from Libya Al Ahrar TV channel, the split in Tripoli has become even more pronounced due to the talks being held...

Valery Kulikov

RAND and the Malevolent Encirclement of Russia

Over recent weeks a series of events in the states surrounding the Russian Federation has erupted that certainly are not being greeted with joy in the Kremlin. Each crisis center of itself is not a definitive game-changer for future Russian security. Taken together they suggest something far more ominous is unfolding against Moscow. A recent RAND study prepared for the US Army...

F. William Engdahl

The UAE-Israeli Connection: Who Benefits from All This?

The normalization of relations between countries in the Arab world and Israel is an extraordinary event, and therefore signing the peace agreements with the UAE and Bahrain - in Washington under Donald Trump’s hawk-eyed gaze - caused a flurry of comments, analytical articles, reports, and just plain speculation. But there is something that all these...

Viktor Mikhin