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Why isn’t China Intervening in the Events Occurring in Kyrgyzstan?

Over the past few years, the lion’s share of the countries in Central Asia (CA have been undergoing a period involving social, economic, and political transformation. The region desperately needs to put transportation and social projects in place, create new jobs, industries, and energy facilities, and improve the quality of education…

Vladimir Danilov

British PM has “Other Things On His Mind!”

In English law there is a strange and very expensive device known as the super-injunction. This goes beyond an ordinary injunction in one important respect: not only can no one discuss the issue the injuction concerns, but no one is even allowed to refer to its existence A number of prominent people (journa- lists, captains of industry have taken out these super-injunctions...

Seth Ferris

Dr. Abdullah Abdullah Visited India and Pakistan

The five-day visit to India that started on October 6th this year made by the physician Abdullah Abdullah, who is the de facto second-in-command with the government in Kabul, is a very remarkable event for a number of reasons. Of these, the first, main one stems from the process that was launched involving sharp changes in the entire situation in this key country in the Central Asian region...

Vladimir Terehov