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F-35s and the Reshaping of Middle Eastern Strategic Landscape

The UAE and Israel have achieved in less than six weeks what Israel and Egypt have not achieved in over 41 years. While this does look remarkable, there is still a devil in the details. The Abraham Accords, happening against a changing geo-strategic landscape of the Middle East and the rise of Iran and Turkey as two powerful...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The United States Faces Interesting Times

It doesn’t matter who wins the election due to be held in the United States on Tuesday, 3 November. The lessons of the post-World War II era disclose a number of things, but the first of these is that irrespective of who holds the Oval Office, United States policy remains essentially unchanged. The one president who showed some signs of departing from...

James ONeill

Russian S-400 Anti-aircraft Systems Turning Heads

Turkey's acquisition of Russian S-400 air defense systems attracted the attention of not only the United States and NATO countries. In fact, the entire world is closely following the ongoing year-long confrontation between Washington and Ankara over this arms deal, in which the United States is strenuously trying to involve not only its NATO allies, but strengthen...

Vladimir Danilov