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Will the US Face Penalties for its War Crimes?

The official statement from Angus Campbell, the Australian Chief of the Defense Force, delivering an apology to the people of Afghanistan for the crimes committed by Australian military personnel in the country’s territory from 2005 to 2016 has been something debated energetically in the past few days in many countries, and is seen as a significant act...

Vladimir Platov

How the SCO has made the US Lose Central Asian

For decades, especially since the end of the Cold War, the US has been paying special attention to Central Asia, the so-called ‘underbelly’ of Russia. It was able to establish its military bases and penetrate the CAS through its various aid programs. Since the 1990s, a primary US interest has been to build a Central Asia that is politically and economically...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Exposure of Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan Raises Questions the Politicians are Still Reluctant to Face

A report issued this week after a four-year investigation into alleged war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan has promoted a degree of outrage previously unknown with regard to the alleged conduct of Australian army personnel. While the public outrage is welcomed, it has completely avoided more...

James ONeill