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The Middle East: a New US Policy?

As the official date of the so-called “democratic elections” for the new US president drifts further and further into the past, there are more reports of massive corruption, fraud, and ordinary petty rigging. These allegations cover the entire gamut of issues, from ballot collection to falsified software, from duplicate voting to votes cast by deceased people...

Viktor Mikhin

NATO, as an American Project, does Not Hold Up to Criticism

Against the backdrop of the events that have unfolded in recent years, and due to which the United States has effectively already lost its dominant position not only in the political economy, but also in the military industry, the countries that really founded NATO, and a number of its other members today, have begun to talk more and more frequently about leaving the alliance...

Valery Kulikov

The Realities and Prospects involved in Turkey’s Expansion in Central Asia

In recent decades, Turkey has laid claim to playing the role of a new regional superpower, and has increasingly begun to pursue an independent foreign policy, which many political scientists have dubbed Neo-Ottomanism. Furthermore, Ankara's expansionist ambitions have started to mushroom very quickly, and it is...

Vladimir Odintsov