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The US Prepares for a ‘New Age of Conflict’ with China

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recently warned that the current state of US-China relations carries seeds of a new age of ‘cold war.’ This assessment not only builds upon a series of episodes of confrontation that occurred in past years (since 2016, but also forewarns more confrontation. Also, Kissinger’s assessment illustrates how the Joe Biden administration...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

What is the Popular Assessment of Joe Biden after his Four Months in Office?

After the first 100 days of Biden’s presidency, the Washington Post and ABC News conducted a poll showing a 52% approval rating for the US president. The American media noted that over the past 76 years, this figure was lower only with Presidents Gerald Ford (48% and Donald Trump (42%. Four months of Joe Biden’s time in...

Vladimir Odintsov

The Suffering of the Palestinians Continues and the World Simply Watches

One of the world’s great enduring myths, persisted in by multiple political leaders, is the two-state solution in Israel – Palestine. The State of Israel was created in 1948, not least as a form of compensation for what had happened to the Jewish people in World War II. At the time of its creation, the bulk of the land in what became Israel...

James ONeill