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A Decade On: West's War on Syria Continues

As Syrian elections approached, the US, France, and Germany  worked together to undermine them.  This was not because they truly believed the elections weren't “free and fair,” but simply because there is no possibility for their client regime of choice to come to power. This is despite these same Western nations - hand-in-hand - lecturing the world about “democracy...

Brian Berletic

Why is the UN Silent over Washington’s Plundering of Syria?

On Sunday, May 23, another American convoy of 86 trucks and many armored personnel carriers drove from Iraqi Kurdistan Territory to the northeastern province of Syria, Hasakah. The US vehicles passed through the US-controlled illegal border crossing of al-Walid and headed towards the Harab al-Jir military base...

Vladimir Danilov

Interests of Leading Players Align in Bangladesh

In May of this year, a certain event in Bangladesh resulted in yet another mini-crisis in the relationship between a number of leading nations. In fact, Bangladesh is among the majority of countries within the international community that are rarely mentioned in reports dedicated to the Global Chess Game. The state of this game is influenced by several leading...

Vladimir Terehov