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The Afghanistan Fiasco Caught Up With the US in Iraq

As various foreign media reports on recent developments in Iraq around the presence of US bases and US military contingents indicate, opposition towards them grows almost daily. In January 2020, the Iraqi parliament adopted a resolution calling for the withdrawal of foreign armies and, above all, the US military contingent from the territory of the republic...

Vladimir Danilov

In the Fight against China, Europe Offers the US no Special Advantage

While the trouble brought by the Trump administration to the US-EU relations was expected to disappear on its own after Trump’s defeat in 2020 US presidential elections, this has not happened even after 5 months of Biden’s inauguration as the US president. While Europe has on the whole welcomed Biden presidency, it remains...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Subrahmanyam Jaishankar’s Trip to the United States

Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar’s nearly week-long trip to the United States, commencing on May 24 this year, encompassed two distinct parts. Of these, the first was participation in the UN Security Council, to which India was elected for a two-year term in the summer of 2020 (during the UN General Assembly, along with Ireland, Kenya, Mexico...

Vladimir Terehov