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Why Reiving the JCPOA is Difficult for the US

While the election of Ebrahim Raisi, who is known as a “hardliner” and “conservative” as opposed to the “moderate” Raisani, as Iran’s president could make a compromise difficult in the on-going negotiations between the US and Iran for reviving the JCPOA, the election of Raisi has also added a new variable of fear to the equation that could alter the whole landscape...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

South Korea’s New Conservative Leader

On June 11, 2021, elections were held for the leading position of the most prominent opposition party of South Korea - the People Power Party, an outcome of which was both significant and interesting. Now the party has a new leader, who is nothing like a classic conservative opposition candidate. Lee Jun-seok is 36 years old and has never been a member of parliament...

Konstantin Asmolov

Iran: Results of the Presidential Election

Ebrahim Raisi, Chairman of the Supreme Court, won 17.8 million votes in Iran’s 13th presidential election, which took place on June 18, Jamal Orf, Chairman of the Election Commission, announced. The other three candidates standing for election received considerably fewer votes. But it was even before the official announcement of the results that other leaders...

Viktor Mikhin