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Nord Stream 2 Signals American Decline in Europe

The US ‘decision’ to not stand in the way of Nord Stream 2 is hardly a surprise. While the US officials made their decision to look like a diplomatic victory for them when they said that the US “will not tolerate Russia using energy as a geopolitical weapon in Europe or escalating its aggression against Ukraine”, it remains that the US did not have any leverage to force...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Slow Decay of a Once-Great Empire?

After twenty years of its occupation of Afghanistan, the US is walking away, or, to call things by their proper names, fleeing cowardly, frantically looking over their shoulder to avoid getting kicked again. Most likely, and this is quite obvious, the Taliban (banned in Russia will return immediately to control essential areas of the country, smuggling weapons and drugs...

Viktor Mikhin

The US Withdrawal from Iraq, What Will it Mean for Syria?

As of Monday morning, July 26, 2021, an announcement that should never have been needed has now been predicted, first by the Associated Press. There are few alive today, few rational individuals, who are so intellectually isolated that they are unaware that the US role in Iraq was based on fake intelligence fabricated by criminal elements inside the US and certain...

Gordon Duff