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Biden’s New War in Afghanistan

When the US president Joe Biden decided to withdraw the US forces from Afghanistan and delivered his ‘victory speech’, he didn’t sound like a winning commander-in-chief of the world’s supposedly most powerful military force, especially the one that failed to defeat the Taliban (banned in Russia even after 20 years of war. America’s self-perceived and self-nurtured sense of invincibility has been further shattered...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Relations Between Three African States Reached a Breaking Point due to Water Disputes

Ethiopia announced that it had completed the second phase of filling its controversial Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD nearly two weeks after it began the process. This second filling was accomplished despite the lack of a legally binding agreement with Egypt and Sudan’s underlying countries...

Viktor Mikhin

Xi Jinping Visited Tibet Autonomous Region

The trip made by the PRC’s leader Xi Jinping to the country’s Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR on July 21-23 turned out to be among those particularly significant events that were covered and commented upon by the world media with particular attention, and which occurred in the world political arena during a specific period of time. Among other things, this once again illustrates...

Vladimir Terehov