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What Viruses are Being Studied by US Military Bio-Laboratories in Kazakhstan?

There's been a lot of complaints lately about America's continued activity in the field of biological weapons development, as there's a growing list of reasons for those complaints to appear. One of the primary ones is the ongoing activity of more than 400 military biological laboratories created by the United States in 25 countries...

Vladimir Platov

How Strong are Russia’s Ties with Mongolia?

2021 will mark the centenary of Russia’s diplomatic relations with Mongolia. How have links between these two countries developed over the past century? And what is the present status of the partnership between the two nations? What future is there for cooperation between Russia and Mongolia? For many centuries, Mongolia was part of China. In the first half of...

Petr Konovalov

Western Media Sleuths PROBABLY Show Dangerous Symptoms

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been “found out” again by the Sherlock Holmes clones inhabiting western investigative media. When I first read the story of how a mysterious document titled “No 32-04 vd” had been leaked to The Guardian by some idiot at the Kremlin, I was stupefied, I’ll admit. I even asked myself...

Phil Butler