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Analyzing the Restoration of Inter-Korean Lines of Communication

Amid the pause in DPRK-US relations and Kim Yo-jong’s June statement about Washington’s misguided expectations, there seemed to be no bright spots in inter-Korean relations before the end of the year. But the author was wrong: On July 27, 2021, South and North Korea reopened the communication hotlines that were shut...

Konstantin Asmolov

US Flight from Afghanistan Triggers Another Humanitarian Crisis

The US flight from Afghanistan could trigger another humanitarian crisis, Swedish Svenska Dagbladet writes. A Spokesperson for the US Department of State Ned Price said the other day about the growing threat of civil war and crisis in Afghanistan. Earlier, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stated the complete failure of the US mission...

Vladimir Danilov

US Withdrawal from Afghanistan: a Predictable Effect

The news of the beginning of the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan was enthusiastically received by many media outlets worldwide. There have been many positive articles about the benefits of this decision by Washington. American soldiers will stop dying on foreign soil. The US economy will be relieved of the monstrous burden...

Dmitry Bokarev