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Inter-confessional Relations in India and Bangladesh Aggravate amid Taliban’s Victory in Afghanistan

It is no exaggeration to say that the rise of the Taliban (banned in Russia) to power in Afghanistan is one of those events whose significance goes far beyond the borders of this particular country. In particular, it played, perhaps against the wishes of the Taliban themselves, the role of leaven thrown into...

Vladimir Terehov

Nutrionless Fakes about a Coup D'etat in North Korea

On October 24, 2021, South Korea's National Intelligence Service stated that media reports about the North Korean leader’s sister committing a coup against her brother were fundamentally untrue. The primary source of the ‘hype’ is the October 23 report of the American tabloid magazine Globe about the coup d’etat in North Korea.  It turns out that Kim’s “ruthless...

Konstantin Asmolov

ADEX, Nuri and Other Missile News from the South of the Korean Peninsula

While the world was discussing the DPRK's SLBM, a lot was going on south of the 38th parallel. On September 15, South Korea successfully launched a locally produced ballistic missile (SLBM) from a submarine, becoming the seventh country in the world to do so. On September 28, Hyundai Heavy Industries' Ulsan...

Konstantin Asmolov