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The West Shakes Georgia's Foundation by Exploiting the “Saakashvili Factor”

As planned by the West, the internal political crisis in this country and the crisis in Georgia’s relations with the European Union and the United States only intensified with the return of Mikheil Saakashvili to his homeland. The EU has been trying to return Georgia to the path of democracy for over a year now. Even before his return...

Vladimir Platov

COP26: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Despite the significance attached to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) recently held in Glasgow – in particular, how it represents a major step forward from the Paris Agreement – the COP26 has not been able to produce a major, meaningfully actionable inter-state, multilateral consensus of global scale. Notwithstanding the critical nature of the issues...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

Ethiopia at a Crossroads: Civil War or Peaceful Settlement?

The government of Ethiopia has declared a state of emergency in the country, as the rebel forces of Tigray threaten to attack the capital, and the war that has been going on for a year is rapidly escalating and brings more and more troubles and misfortunes to Ethiopians. The United States has stated that the danger has “significantly worsened” and has recalled all of its...

Viktor Mikhin