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The Pandemic of Lies

The US and Europe are now entering a fourth or is it the fifth COVID cycle, new infections, new peaks in deaths and a feeling of hopelessness that is darkening the Judeo-Christian holiday season. It is driven by what some generously call “vaccine resistance.” Without the anti-vaccine movement, COVID would have ended in much of the world where vaccines are plentiful and safe...

Gordon Duff

Saudi Arabia brings Captagon to Yemen - Looks to Bring New Plague to the Nation

Just as Saudi Arabia has hardened its tone towards Lebanon over the smuggling into its territories of the drug Captagon - ISIS and other radical groups’ drug of choice as it is said to instill courage to its practitioners, Yemen could soon be flooded with the product, yet another plague the war-torn nation will have to weather. Earlier this...

Catherine Shakdam

On the Virtual Meeting between the US and China

One of the major events of current world politics was the November 16 virtual meeting of the two leading world powers, the USA and China. It lasted three and a half hours and went beyond the scheduled time. This fact along with the content of the issues discussed and the parties’ positions on them as outlined by the White House served as a basis for the Chinese Global Times...

Vladimir Terehov