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Washington is Caught Up in the Middle East

Even though the US has been seeking to withdraw from the Middle East to relocate its sources to the Indo-Pacific region to tackle China’s growing influence in Southeast Asia, extricating itself from a region the US has been dominating since the end of the Second World War has proved to be a lot harder than the US policy makers might have expected when they decided to revive...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

The Collapse of the US Submarine Fleet

The submarine fleet has traditionally enjoyed the special favors of the top leaders in the United States. It is even known that in 1993 former US Vice President Al Gore made a trip to the Arctic aboard the USS Pargo nuclear submarine. According to The National Interest, the US Navy announced in December 2016 that it needed 66 submarines with submarine-launched...

Vladimir Danilov

Who Can Make an Atom Bomb Faster? Iran or Japan?

Tensions over the proliferation of nuclear weapons have recently increased significantly amid problems with the nuclear deal with Iran, of which one of the signatories to it, the United States, withdrew on the initiative of ex-President Donald Trump in 2018, and the current White House administration has so far unsuccessfully tried to restore it, but on new terms. It should...

Vladimir Odintsov