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Erdogan’s Bayraktar Bonanza

On December 3, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan called Russian President Vladimir Putin. The heads of the two states spoke about Libya, Ukraine, and what is happening in Transcaucasia. While discussing the Ukrainian conflict, the Russian President stressed the importance of full and strict compliance with the Implementation of the 2015 Minsk Package of Measures and other...

Vladimir Platov

Trump and US Lawmakers Left a Time Bomb for Biden

Biden may not want to deal with Middle East issues, but they don’t just disappear. Talking about International law is one thing, following it is another. A political position should have less to do with campaign funding and a political base. That is why the political process is so far removed from realty, and lacks any semblance of the rule of law...

Henry Kamens

A Pause in the Talks between the US and North Korea Continues

Since the failure of February 2019’s summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un, relations between the US and North Korea have been put on hold, with no active dialogue, but no nuclear crisis or military stand-off.  On the one hand, Pyongyang has avoided any talks on the question of denuclearization. On the other hand, it is still...

Konstantin Asmolov