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The Turkic Military Alliance or Why has Ankara Accused Russia of Occupying Kazakhstan?

The January events in Kazakhstan and the CSTO’s response proved to be a real litmus test of many countries’ attitudes towards Russia and the regional balance of power in modern times. Turkey was no exception here, as it showed what was behind its active assurances to Russia and the Central Asian countries of “bona fide...

Vladimir Danilov

Kishida and Morrison Sign the Japan-Australia Reciprocal Access Agreement

On January 5, Reuters, citing Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, reported the signing of the so-called Reciprocal Access Agreement (RAA) with his Japanese counterpart Kishida. This event is certainly one of the most significant ones in the process of development of the political and strategic situation in the Indo-Pacific...

Vladimir Terehov

A Lesson in Source Studies or Did Kim Jong-il Really Invent Shawarma?

In early January, several media outlets ran a clickbait headline, “North Korea Claims Kim Jong-il Invented Shawarma.” This fast-food dish is popular in post-Soviet countries. The statement about its North Korean roots immediately broke into negative comments about how North Korea is duping the people and making them...

Konstantin Asmolov