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US Exacts Revenge on Afghanistan for its Defiance

Ever since the Taliban (an organization deemed terrorist and banned in Russia) took control of Afghanistan last August amid a shameful and chaotic US withdrawal, the country, ravaged by war and occupation for 20 years, has plunged deeper and deeper into disaster, causing new waves of displacement, further impoverishing it and raising the specter of mass...

Viktor Mikhin

Situation in Turkey is Putting Erdogan’s Abilities to the Test

In the last few years, Turkey’s economy has been caught in a drawn-out recession, largely due to the increasing costs related to the current model of economic growth. And as the economy is deteriorating, so is the political and economic situation in the country, forcing President Erdogan to make choices which are far from popular. When Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party came...

Vladimir Odintsov

We Scoured the Planet and Found the Enemy - The Superconsumer

The super-consumer. Few geopolitical analysts out there have seen fit to blame the world’s woes on the real culprits. Sure, the George Soros evil billionaires play a major role, but compared to the “real” people doing using up and wearing out, the Bezos and Elon Musk types are just ringmasters in the world destruction circus. Why don’t...

Phil Butler