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What are the Real Reasons for Washington's Boycott of the Beijing Olympics?

Despite various blatantly nefarious actions by Washington to disrupt the Beijing Olympics, the event commenced on schedule with impeccable organization by the Chinese authorities. Heads of state, high-ranking officials, representatives of public organizations and corporations arrived in Beijing. The “diplomatic boycott...

Vladimir Odintsov

Why on Earth Does George Soros Want Xi Jinping to Go?

Mister “Open Society,” George Soros, the symbol of globalist regime change Color Revolutions since the 1980s, has just signaled that he and his globalist circles have targeted China’s President Xi Jinping for what looks a lot like regime change. On the surface, Soros’ latest sharp critique of Xi and his management of China’s economy seems bizarre. For all his nice words...

F. William Engdahl

Vladimir Putin’s Meeting With Xi Jinping Marks an Important Step in Eurasian Future

The past week saw what was arguably the most important encounter for a considerable period of time. The Russian president Vladimir Putin travelled to Beijing as the honoured guest of Chinese president Xi Jinping . It was their first face to face meeting for more than two years. The two leaders did not waste the opportunity...

James ONeill