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Australia and New Zealand Follow a Common Course

As might be expected, after the start of the Ukrainian special operation by Russian troops, Russia was hit by international sanctions, primarily from the West. Of course, permanent members of the “collective West” such as Australia and New Zealand have joined these sanctions. This is not surprising - as former British colonies, they are an indispensable part of the Anglosphere...

Dmitry Bokarev

Japan, a Land of the Rising Sanctions

Although Japan used to be associated with the poetic name “Land of the Rising Sun,” it has recently been increasingly turning, through the fault of its current political authorities, into a “Land of the Rising Sanctions.” Until recently, under former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, relations between Russia and Japan were consistently good and even warm. Regular...

Vladimir Danilov

Iran Unleashes its Fury against US and Israel in Retaliation for Provocations

Endless provocations and subversive actions of the US and Israel against Iran lead to the Iranian people getting increasingly bitter towards the two countries and their representatives. Following the blatant US assassination operation against Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard...

Vladimir Odintsov