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Russia’s Actions in Ukraine Trigger World Wide Consequences

The United States president Joe Biden has recently visited Poland and made a speech which on one hand was barely coherent, and on the other displayed yet again the incredible American capacity to gloss over its own history of waging almost non-stop war on any country that dares to refuse to abide by United States dictates about...

James ONeill

Awaiting New DPRK Satellites and New Sanctions

Events have taken a new turn since the last report on the development of the DPRK’s missile program, focusing on the launch of two supposedly medium-range missiles. In addition to US and South Korean calls to “cease missile provocations and come to the negotiating table,” there have been clear signs of escalation. On March 7, International Atomic Energy...

Konstantin Asmolov

Riyadh Reclaims its Place in Active International Politics

Despite attempts by the current US administration to belittle the role of Saudi Arabia in international affairs and authority of the crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, Riyadh is confidently winning back the universal recognition and becoming an increasingly active participant of the recent events. For over seven decades of partnership Washington has been the major...

Valery Kulikov