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US Dusts Off WMD Lies, This Time Aimed at Russia

The US is once again waving around accusations against its adversaries of preparing to use “chemical weapons.” This time, the accused is Russia amid ongoing military operations in Ukraine. The Guardian in its article, “‘Clear sign’ Putin is weighing up use of chemical weapons in Ukraine, says Biden,” would claim: Russia’s false accusation that...

Brian Berletic

Iran and the US - When Will We See a New Agreement?

Extensive negotiations on the so-called Iranian nuclear deal have been conducted in Vienna over the last 12 months, many highly complex drafts have been prepared, a lot of obstacles have clearly been overcome, and now, at last, it appears that there is light at the end of the tunnel. However, media organizations around the world agree on one point: the final result...

Viktor Mikhin

Boris Johnson Supports Ukraine to the Detriment of the Brits

A highly sensationalist article by Bloomberg clearly shows that the British government left more than 5 million Britons without support in the current crisis in implementing its pronounced Russophobic policy! As the publication emphasizes, a significant part of the British population feels the consequences of the cost of living crisis especially...

Valery Kulikov