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Myanmar - Сaught between India and China

Myanmar is a relatively small country on the Indochina peninsula. Its close neighbors are India, China and the other countries on the peninsula, Its geographical position means that it serves as a buffer zone between the two competing Asian giants, yet its role is not limited to that. In terms of land access, India is largely cut off from the rest of the Eurasian landmass by immediate...

Petr Konovalov

Why isn’t the West Sanctioning Turkey for its Special Operation in Iraq?

The recent Russophobic frenzy by Washington and its Western allies over Russia’s special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine with more and more anti-Russian sanctions imposed each passing day, makes one involuntarily wonder: why then doesn’t the West react in the same way to another special operation - the one...

Valery Kulikov

Yoon Seok-yeol and his Government.

Continuing the conversation about the team of the President-elect of the Republic of Korea, we’ll discuss those persons whom he expects to be members of the government, since the relevant announcements have been made. It is expected that at least at the end of April, 18 candidates for the ministerial offices will undergo parliamentary hearings on the approval of their official...

Konstantin Asmolov