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Pakistan and the Imperial Ambitions of the United States

In the last two decades, the world has had a chance to see what tragedies and absurdities can be instigated by the imperial ambitions of Washington and the connivance of the international community. It was the White House’s desire to expand its political...

Vladimir Platov

Israel and AIPAC defeated on Iran deal – Everyone else wins

“I consider even a victorious war as an evil, from which statesmanship must endeavor to spare nations.”… Otto von Bismark. A big sigh of relief came from the US with news that Obama had snared his critical 34th Senate vote for the Iran...

Jim Dean

China's Achilles Heel is Her Golden Chance

The Peoples' Republic of China has an Achilles Heel, a weakness in spite of her enormous strength that could be fatal to her survival as a vibrant, sovereign nation. That Achilles Heel, which since this past June has been visible for all the world, is also her golden chance to turn...

F. William Engdahl