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Anti-Syrian Forces are Keen on Saving Islamists from Defeat

It is now clear that the recent visit of the Deputy Crown Prince and Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Defence Mohammad bin Salman and the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan to Russia to meet Russia’s President Vladimir Putin led to...

Alexander Orlov

Major No to GMO by Majority of EU States

Monsanto and the GMO agribusiness cartel have suffered a major new defeat as two-thirds of the 28 EU member states have opted for a full ban on GMO crops according to the terms of new Brussels rules allowing national decision on the toxic agro-technology...

F. William Engdahl

A New Chinese "Tea Empire" on the Silk Road

It is on China's agenda to establish a "Tea Empire" in the Russian Federation in the near future, particularly, in the area encompassed by the infrastructure project, the "Silk Road Economic Belt." The future "Tea Empire" will stretch from Chinese city of...

Sofia Pale