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Odessa: A Fate Worse Than Death

If you are under 21, do not read this. If you are over 21, you have a moral obligation to read this, and view the photos, to to look into the depths of human depravity, into the face of pure evil, to ponder it, to understand it, because if you do not understand...

Russell Bentley

Why Americans aren’t Happy with their Presidents

Despite strenuous attempts of the White House representatives to create a positive image of their master both in the country and abroad, millions of people from all over the world are getting disenchanted with this “man-made idol.” Despite the fact that...

Vladimir Platov

Ecological Aspect of the Conflict in the South China Sea

The territorial conflict in the South China Sea, smouldering for several decades already, has suddenly gained a new meaning: ecological. That is attributed to the China constructing artificial islands. From the point of the Philippines, this...

Natalia Rogozhina