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The Georgian Coup Saga … What It Was Really About

Jeffrey Silverman, the Georgia Bureau Chief for Veterans Today, has recently accused the US Ambassador to Georgia, Ian Kelly, of being directly involved in the plot to overthrow the democratically-elected Georgian government. He says that...

Henry Kamens

China's Xinjiang Problem - Made in USA

China's western region of Xinjiang, a vast area home to some 21 million people, is one of several hubs of destabilization maintained by the US State Department and its vast network of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs, covert programs, and overt political...

Tony Cartalucci

Israel—The Psyop

The US has always been a strong ally to the Jews and to Israel. Or so the history books tell us. The US rescued the Jews from the concentration camps and defeated Hitler. The US ensured that the Jews would subsequently have their own nation, after the horrors of...

Janet Phelan