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Is the Lesson of Latest Terrorist Attacks Going to be Learned?

In recent weeks, ISIL has manifested itself as one of the most aggressive groups in the world of international terrorism. As it has been pointed out by the Foreign Policy magazine, in just a month the group claimed...

Martin Berger

Myanmar's New Dictator: Aung San Suu Kyi

Suu Kyi disenfranchised a million voters before elections, and has declared herself above the constitution afterwards. What about that seems "democratic?". The Western media is portraying Myanmar's...

Tony Cartalucci

Refugees as Weapons in a Propaganda War

In the wake of the horrific terror attacks in Paris, world attention will once again be focused on the issue of refugees entering Europe. While much of the spotlight has been rightly pointed at Syrian refugees fleeing the western-sponsored war...

Eric Draitser