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US Involvement in Turkey’s Shoot Down of the Russian Jet

In the wake of Turkey’s shoot down of the Russian Su-24, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the attack a planned provocation. He went further on to suggest the US had given Turkey permission to shoot down the Jet. He...

Maram Susli

The war over history in South Korea

The crisis surrounding the attempts to create a standardised history textbook for secondary schools and universities in the Republic of Korea is still ongoing. Protests against the state policy in this sphere even served as a reason for the opposition's...

Konstantin Asmolov

Has the Deal with Erdogan Made Europe a Supporter of Terrorism?

In a desperate bid to put an end to the tide of illegal immigration, European politicians have been trying to make friends with Turkey on whatever terms they can negotiate. For instance, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has put...

Vladimir Odintsov