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Turkey Has Shot Itself, Not the Plane Down

So what will happen to Turkey as a result of shooting down the Russian plane? It is widely predicted that Russia will take some sort of military retaliation. However, Russian foreign policy at present is oriented on waiting for the West to misbehave and...

Seth Ferris

Downing of SU-24: the View of the Arab Media

"An unreasonably reckless act", "Turkey is butting with the Russian bear", "The high price of Turkey’s mistake." Nowadays the Arab media is full of such and similar headlines in connection with the shooting down of the Russian...

Yuriy Zinin

Republic of Korea and “Terrorist Threat to the World”

Blatant terrorist attacks taking place recently, including the one of November 13 in Paris, echoed around the world. The Republic of Korea is no exception. This article will discuss Korea's reaction to the terrorism challenge of our time and how...

Konstantin Asmolov