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NATO Nuclear Scam on Iran Now Carved in Stone

The IAEA has finally retired the Iranian nuclear military use folder with a unanimous vote which clears the way to removing most of the sanctions. It has been a long day in coming, but the wooden stake was put through the vampire hearts of all...

Jim Dean

Will South America Explode?

For the first time in 16 years, the direct aftermath of Venezuela’s elections was peaceful. Until then, the day following each election when Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, or their political allies were victorious was full of street violence. Most recently...

Caleb Maupin

The US Officials are Pushing Society to Narcotic Intoxication

In view of the national epidemic of painkiller and psychotropic drug abuse in the United States, along with the legalization of marijuana in the majority of its states, many American experts have noted the emergence of a real narcotics epidemic...

Valery Kulikov