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Listen Up, Socialist! An Open Letter to the Bernie Sanders Generation

It used to be off-limits to talk the way we do. We can all remember when “capitalism” was synonymous with “good” in standard American English. In the mainstream mind, the word “socialism” only conjured up images of dictators and...

Caleb Maupin

Sarin Gas: The Guy Who Told Us So Is Now Telling Us This

The other day I said the following in an email to Gordon Duff, Editor in Chief of Veterans Today, an online journal for the intelligence community: “I watched the interview programme with you and Kevin Barrett. See minute 4:15...

Henry Kamens

On the North Korean “Hydrogen Bomb Test”

On January 6, 2015 at 10: 00 Pyongyang time, North Korea conducted a “hydrogen bomb test”. First, a 5.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded in the area of the North Korean nuclear test site. Then, the North Korean television released a special...

Konstantin Asmolov