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Travails of a Bankrupt Hegemon

Slightly more than seven decades ago, when the United Nations was officially founded in San Francisco, there was no question in the world about who was the Great Power, the World Hegemon. Today the situation has radically altered to the severe...

F. William Engdahl

As Goes Syria, So Goes the World

The US engagement in the Middle East has an unexplored impetus and if allowed to continue unchecked will have unexpected and world-changing consequences. The world has become inured to war. Since 2000, the US alone has launched over forty military...

Janet Phelan

On the Comfort Women Issue

Signing of the South Korean-Japanese intergovernmental agreement on “final and irreversible” solution of the so-called comfort women issue on December 28, 2015 in Seoul will occupy a prominent place in line of the events of the past year in East Asia. In fact, it is the only certain...

Vladimir Terehov