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What Are Kurdistan Freedom Hawks Fighting For?

The number of news releases in the Turkish and international mass media accusing the Kurdistan Freedom Hawks (Falcons (also known as “TAK” of the involvement in brutal acts of terrorism in Turkey has been on the rise lately. It is alleged...

Stanislav Ivanov

Qamishli: Fledgling Kurdish State Born from Turkey’s Failed Diplomacy

Though much muck is flying around, few are actually catching the full extent of what is going on in Turkish foreign relations. It is assumed that it is using its status as a regional power to further an aggressive agenda of...

Seth Ferris

America's Fake War on ISIS Grinds On

A recent US Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC hearing considering the nominations of General Joseph Votel and Lieutenant General Raymond Thomas for command of US Central Command and US Special Operations Command respectively, exposed...

Tony Cartalucci