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Who is Going to Pay the "Libyan Bill"?

Half a decade ago the United States along with NATO embarked on a quest to destroy Libya. On March 17, 2011 at the request of US President Barack Obama, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1973 that allowed the so-called Western coalition tо...

Martin Berger

Yemen: A Desperation Saudi Genocide Backed by Obama

The Wall Street Journal is the perfect example of a state and corporate controlled counter-information service. A report recently attempts to characterize the Saudi war on the Yemeni people as having little to do with oil. Nothing my friends, nothing...

Phil Butler

BBC Bias, Brexit, the EU, Bilderberg and Global Government

One of the BBC’s flagship news programmes has shown a “strong” bias towards Britain staying in the European Union (EU, a media monitoring group claimed last week. From the 13th of January to the 11th...

Steven MacMillan