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What is Really Happening in the South China Sea?

The South China Sea has been described in numerous western publications as the latest potential ‘flashpoint’ in the world’s geopolitical scene. The rhetoric is particularly heated and ill-informed in about equal proportions, focusing on...

James ONeill

Obama Went On a Mending Mission to Saudi Arabia

Barak Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia has happened at a time when political friction between the two states has reached a point where both have started to ‘threaten’ each other—hence, the need for bringing their ties back to ‘normal.’ While...

Salman Rafi Sheikh

US: Entering the Panic Mode

Presidential politics in the US are leading to a potentially dark future, not just for the US, but to a collapse of NATO and the EU as well. Moves are afoot by the ultra-powerful lobbying machine of the new anti-US alliance of Israel, Turkey and...

Gordon Duff