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The New Horizons of the Russian-Tajik Cooperation

The Central Asian region has always been of pivotal importance for both the USSR and its successor – the Russian Federation. But it seems that the sky is the limit in this matter since the latest developments in the region have increased...

Dmitry Bokarev

Let’s Talk About Korea: The Dangerous Tone of US Media

Often, when people are first becoming personally acquainted with me and my political views, I will be asked point-blank: “Do you support North Korea?” I always respond, “No, I don’t support North Korea. I support all of Korea.” Among average Americans...

Caleb Maupin

America’s Elections, Cheap “Police State Theatre”

America today is a police state, few doubt that yet most assume that elections are honest and purposeful. That belief is not supportable by fact nor is it a reasonable belief based on the realities, militarized police, evaporated voting rights...

Gordon Duff